I prefer to have 500 or so calorie meals which leaves me room for a snack each day. I generally need this snack in the afternoon. Often, we don't eat dinner until 7:00 (after our workout), which leaves a 6 hour gap between meals... too long! This is when I am constantly left wondering... what can I have that won't blow my calories out of the roof, won't leave me hungry in 10 minutes, and will satisfy me.
Here are some options.
**Disclaimer: not all snacks will be 100 calories even, but the first number in the calorie count will be no larger than 100 : ) **
* A Light Yogurt, 100 calories. Yoplait offers TONS of flavors. If you can spare a few more calories, sprinkle on some granola for crunch.

* Fruit dipped in a Jello Pudding Snack, 60 calories, plus the value of the fruit. I love dipping either a banana (90 calories) or strawberries (50 calories) in the chocolate flavored pudding, yum!
* A thin bagel with 1 serving of low fat cream cheese, 180 calories.
* A bag of mini popcorn, 165 calories. I am sure you can do this for less calories, but I must confess that I cannot give up the "butter" flavor. I don't walk on water!
* Sugar free jello, 10 calories. Eat the whole 6 pack!
* A Kashi fruit and grain bar, 120 calories. If you have not tried one of these, they are WONDERFUL! I have had the chocolate raspberry, and the pumpkin one. It's like eating a candy bar, or pumpkin pie with true health benefits.
* A small salad. As long as you stick with 1 serving of a low fat dressing, and don't put anything other than veggies in your salad... (i.e., skip the croutons and cheese), you should come in well under 200 calories

* A cheese stick, 80 calories.
* A slice of whole wheat toast with 1 tbsp of peanut butter, 150 calories. Have you had warm peanut butter, oh my! Be sure to measure your peanut butter, it's a calorie bomb, and smearing it on will rack the points up quickly.
* This apple snack, 89 calories. Apples pack great fiber, so they will keep you full.
* Litehouse Ranch dip, 60 calories, plus as many raw veggies as you can eat.
* 1/2 cup 2% Lowfat Cottage Cheese, 90 calories. You can put this with tomatoes, sunflower seeds, pineapple, whatever. Be creative.
* 3 or 4 slices of deli meat (ham, turkey, roast beef) on whole wheat bread, with fat free mayo, 170 calories.

* 2 tbsp red pepper hummus with 1 oz pretzels, 150 calories.
* 1 oz black bean chips with 1/4 cup salsa, 170 calories.

I think this goes to show that most anything can be a snack if you keep your portions right. Always measure your foods, and stick to it. This is not a meal, just something to tide you over for a couple of hours. Snack time is a great time to sneak in extra fruits and veggies for the day, and I really can't think of one that would be out of the calorie range.
Be sure that when you have a snack that you are packing either fiber, protein, or both into the snack, as these are the items that will keep you full. Also, drink a glass of water with your snack. Often dehydration and hunger are confused, so cover your bases and stay hydrated.
I would love to hear if you have a great snack to share!
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