Monday, February 21, 2011


It was brought to my attention that I have not posted in a couple of weeks. Sorry! I have had a couple of things on my mind, and wanted to share them... it's all about food!

1. My good friend Sherrie and I were talking about Peanut Butter in the locker room the other day, and how much I LOVE IT. She mentioned adding powdered peanut butter to my Shakeology drinks. I had never heard of it! A couple of days later, she brought me a jar to try. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!! It is sososososooooo good, and the nutrition labels sell me for sure.

Here is a comparison of the 2 Peanut Butters (2 tbsp serving size)

PB2 (Powdered Peanut Butter) ............Natural JIF
Calories 45 ................................................190
Fat 1.5g....................................................16g
Sat Fat 0g...................................................3g
Sodium 94mg.............................................65mg
Carbs 5g......................................................8g
Fiber 2g.......................................................2g
Sugar 1g.......................................................3g
Protein 5g....................................................7g

A couple of things to mention:
1. PB2 tastes wonderful. (I should be getting paid for this ad!) I eat it just like regular peanut butter. You rehydrate it with water, and spread it like any other.
2. Because it is so low cal, low fat, etc, I actually use a double batch of the PB2, so although the protein content is a little lower, it's actually higher for me because I eat 4 tbsp. This still works out to be lower cal, fat, etc in the end. Imaging getting twice as much P on your PBJ : )

If you want to read more about it check it out here.

Finally, the only way you can get PB2 (in my area anyways) is to order it online. It comes in cases of 4 or 12. I will be honest in saying, I think I could eat 4 jars in less than 3 months, but if someone wants to go in and try a jar, or to split some, let me know by tonight!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Just Chill

So I am starting to chill a bit on my weight. Here's what is going on. I run this vicious cycle on myself: eat perfect, exercise a ton, lose weight, eat something bad, sulk, sit at home, gain weight, sulk, sit at home, eat more crap...

It's actually a trap that many dieters fall into: see here. I am definitely one of them.

So I finally realized, I need to do the right thing as much as I can, and relax about the rest. That is what I have been doing. We have been eating at home more, and I am working out when I can which allows me to more easily to stay withing my daily calories.

It's going great! The weight is coming off again, and I've had dessert every night this week. So much happier this way.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lean Into It

So my eating habits have most definitely evolved over the past 2 years, as has my lifestyle. One thing stays too much the same though... our grocery cart.

I seem to be stuck in a rut of processed foods. I will say that I take a lot of care picking our processed foods...that's an oxymoron if I've ever heard one. However, I really do stand there and try to compare the calories, fat, fiber, protein, sugar, and sodium in each item to choose the least evil, and I lived with it...

... Until yesterday. I had some time in this fab weather we're experiencing to catch up on Oprah, and she presented a show about being vegan. VERY INTERESTING.

Oprah allowed her staff the opportunity to go vegan for one week to see how it impacted them. Nothing astonishing, some weight loss, some weight gain. She showed a beef slaughtering plant, and how beef is made... gross, seen it before.

Here's what I did take from this:
1. Why don't I buy more whole foods? I enjoy them, why don't I try shopping at a whole foods store for them?

2. Why does America (myself included) feel the need to eat meat SOOOO much, sometimes at EVERY meal. This brings us to meatless Mondays. Oprah decided that she and Harpo studios will be going meatless on Mondays, I am going to try it. (Brian is not pumped!) Our consumption of beef is minimal at best. I can't tell you the last time I purchased ground beef... probably 2 years ago. We do ground turkey for items such as chili, spaghetti, etc, but I am willing to take it another step further and work to eliminate turkey when we can also... maybe some tofurkey or something.

Am I going Vegan? No. Vegetarian? Nope, but I will "lean into it," as Oprah likes to say. Let's just see what happens.

BTW, as I was researching this a bit more, THIS website was posted today as an option for finding responsibly raised meat and animal products in your area. Take a look. Lean into it.